Daily Blog – 01/05/2016 // Introduction

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday… Snuggled in my pjs, watching a movie & spending some quality time on my website.

Doing this, gives me the opportunity to write my first post.

I started this website over 6 days ago, but have now just figured out how to work it.

Its hard using a program that you are not used to and/or have never used before.

This will take me some time, however please bare with me until I get use to it.

I am so very happy that I have created this website because it gives me so much freedom to share with everyone what I get up to do on a daily basis as well as share all the great things I make or the places I go.

I have categorised my website in different sections that I have interest in ie travel, fitness, ways to calm the mind etc.

I would like to share my lifestyle with you in regards to ways I calm my mind, places I visit & the healthy style that I (try to!) live.

I must admit even though I read other blogs, I am not to sure myself how a blog works. So I will be writing what I get up to on a daily basis.

I will not be treating this blog like a diary entry, so I won’t be going into detail about my life however, I will be sharing thoughts & feelings on certain things that I experience in life.

So I thank you & welcome to Discovering Your Happiness.

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Discovering Your Happiness

Hello, my name is Anita, I am a 23 year old Croatian girl who loves reading self development books & following others blogs. Having said that, I have decided to create a site that consist of sharing my hobbies daily blogs, daily affirmations, healthy recipes, DIY projects, places I travel to etc. Discovering Your Happiness has a goal of sharing my happiness with you to help you discover your happiness also.

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